Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happiest of Fathers Day !

Photoshop dook. Reference:

There was a time I thought I would never be a dad..Im so glad my wife saw something in me that I couldnt see in myself. She help nuture this insecure creative to the point that I finally wanted to be something more not only for her, but our future family. Fathers day is a mixed one for me. I live with alot of pain that Im not being the Dad I wanted to be for my son with my daughter.  I fight the cynical side of me everyday on this matter. My weapon of choice : The Art. My saving grace. 

Its taught me that no matter how hard I work at it, I will never attain the false perfection in my head. That there will always be mistakes and that the more I learn the more I realize how clueless I really am. And that this is a good thing...

Art reminds me to just do it. Doesnt have to be perfect or done like anyone else. You just have to be mindful when you're in the moment of doing art or being a parent that that IS the gift. To not strive to be perfect, but willing to make the effort to improve. Being an artist/father/human is tough to the point where somedays its hard to see the gift that it truly can be. I think if I would've stopped being an artist awhile back that I wouldnt have learned this lesson. Being full time Dad has been one of the toughest things I have gone through, and I fail at it spectacularly, but like a sucky drawing,  I know that the gift is being happy to get the chance to just "be" .

Thanks for letting me be thankful...Happiest of Fathers Day !

Keep on keepin on!

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